September 28, 2022 to October 2, 2022
Online & Jeju National University
Asia/Seoul timezone

Venue (Offline)

The offline meeting in the afternoon will be held at the Ara Campus of the Jeju National University  (Please note that all the morning sessions will be online only.)

A Room is arranged for the offline afternoon discussion among participants in Room 3252 on the 2nd floor of the the College of Education Building #1 (사범대학 1호관 2층 3252호).  This is located next to the office of Gansukh Tumurtushaa, the local organizer, whose office is at Room 3251.

How to access :

Once you reach the main gate, go straight and make a left turn once you pass the Administration Building (본관) (marked #401 on the map below). You can then find the College of Education I (사범대학 1호관), marked # 404 on the map below.

Ara campus map

Map & Directions to the Ara Campus of the Jeju National University

◎ From the Jeju Airport
- Bus → No.500(Towards Jeju National Univ) Travel time: about 35 min.
- Bus → No.365(Towards Jeju National Univ) The bus stops at the main gate.  Travel time: about 35 min.
- Taxi → Travel time: about 20 min.

◎ From City
- Bus → (Towards Jeju National University) Travel time: about 20 min.
- Taxi → Travel time: about 12 min.

제주시청 ⇒ 제주대학교 아라캠퍼스

(주소: 63243 제주특별자치도 제주시 제주대학로 102(아라일동,제주대학교)

  · 제주시청 정류장 승차 : 환승없음 (약 25분 소요)

            341, 342, 351, 352, 355, 360, 365, 446, 447, 455, 3003(심야)

  · 제주대학교 정류장 하차