This Home Page was partially reconstructed based on the
Workshop Home Page in CQUeST,
where complete details and updates about the workshop as well as the presentation materials can be found.
The Workshop on Cosmology and Quantum Space Time (CQUeST 2021) is organized by the Center of Quantum Space Time (CQUeST) in Sogang University with the goal to bring together expertsin the areas of research of the center: cosmology, modified gravity,string-theory, black hole physics, astroparticle physicsphenomenology. The CQUeST was first funded by NRF as an outstanding Science Research Center (SRC) from 2005 to 2014. From 2014 to 2020 the centerhas continued its operation with the support of the individual grantsof its members. In June 2020 CQUeST received support as a UniversityResearch Center (중점연구소) for additional 9 years.
The workshop will be in a hybrid mode of online and offline. Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants.
Registration should be made through the APCTP Home Page system at Registration of the Workshop Home Page in APCTP before 29 July 2021.
The participant list can then be available on the APCTP Workshop Home Page